Ann became devout the day her husband died because the night before she had held his photo and sobbed and prayed — that God would destroy him.
Ann became devout the day her husband died because the night before she had held his photo and sobbed and prayed — that God would destroy him.
No one saw Teddy take the money from the unlocked safe, but afterward, he felt guilty; preached a Wednesday night sermon on forgiveness.
“He was a saint, an inspiration! Father Joe will be missed.” We lied through counterfeit smiles and timorous skin for the entire funeral.
“Oh Lord,” she sighed. I am still not sure if she really was a believer. It doesn’t matter. For one short moment we were in heaven. Together.
“It’s all part of God’s plan,” she said. He stood. “Then God’s plan sucks.” With that he turned and walked out of church for the last time.
Hospital hallway prayers unanswered, she lost her mom and her faith in the same last breath.